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Winter Storm Helena is Coming!

Are You Ready for Snow and Ice from Winter Storm Helena?

Batten down the hatches…winter is coming! Yes nothing was more apparent of this fact then my own experience as I pushed my shopping cart around the grocery store last evening amongst the hundreds of other shoppers clamoring for staples such as bread, milk and for some of us…beer. The news has hit, We are expecting snow via Winter Storm Helena.

weather-channelvideo_reliablerestoration While most of us southerns understand the implications of what even just the smallest amount of wet precipitation can mean to our highways, our snowy plight is sure to bring on ridicule from our northern neighbors. In any case facing the icy temps ahead of us can mean real problems for homeowners especially when it comes to the worst of all issues, frozen-bursting pipes leading to flooded basements. So here are some gentle reminders of preparing your family and your home for the white invasion that is sure to arrive this evening.

Winter Storm Preparation

  • Gas UpIt is best to stay off the roads during a winter storm but in the event of an emergency make sure you have a full tank of gas. Stock an emergency car kit to keep with you include items such as bottled water, protein bars, a blanket and hand warmers.
  • Stock Up – Make sure you have enough food and water for 3 Days. Try to have foods that require no cooking such as peanut butter, protein bars, cereal etc. Don’t forget the little ones-be sure to have enough formula (and diapers) as well as pet food for your fur babies.
  • Prep Your HomeSpread rock salt, sand or non-clumping kitty litter on walkways and steps to avoid icing. Disconnect outside water hoses and make sure that outdoor faucets are off and covered.
  • Prepare for Electricity Interruption – If you have a fireplace or wood stove, be sure to have wood ready in a dry storage place. Keep blankets handy and make sure everyone has warm clothing. Have flashlights and batteries ready.


  • Keep the Pipes Dripping – Make sure you allow the faucets in your home or business building to drip. This will keep the water flowing very slightly and stall off the dreaded bursting water pipe disaster that can cause significant water damage. Remember to only drip from the cold faucet; using the hot water can drain your hot water heater causing even bigger issues. Don’t forget, know where your main water shut-off valve is in the event of a water disaster.

While facing Winter Storm Helena in the south can be a bit unnerving, being prepared can give you peace of mind and assure that your family is safe. Just remember take things slow and be prepared. Having your home ready for Helena is an important and necessary part of your family’s safety plan.

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Protecting your property from the water damage of busted water pipes and basement flooding is a great first step. But as always, no matter what the disaster: water damage, fire damage, flood damage or storm damage, if your home or business is affected Reliable Restoration is ready 24/7/365 to address your needs. Our heroic, expertly trained crews are ready to take on Winter Storm Helena. After all with Reliable Restoration your family is our family. Visit us at: www.choosereliable.com or call us at: (678) 325-1633.

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