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Does a Dehumidifier Run Up Your Electric Bill?

Are you concerned about the impact of running a dehumidifier on your electric bill? Many people wonder if using a dehumidifier will increase their energy consumption and cost them more money. In this article, we will delve into the relationship between dehumidifiers and electric bills to determine if there is a significant financial impact. Get ready to discover the truth behind this common concern and find out how you can reduce the energy consumption of your dehumidifier.

Key Takeaways:

  • Running a dehumidifier can impact your electric bill through increased energy consumption
  • Understanding how dehumidifiers work and their energy efficiency is crucial in determining their running costs
  • Calculating the daily, monthly, and annual costs of running a dehumidifier can help you manage your expenses
  • Implementing energy-saving strategies and considering alternative methods can minimize the financial impact of running a dehumidifier
  • Choosing an energy-efficient dehumidifier can be a cost-effective solution for reducing your electric bill

Understanding Dehumidifier Operation and Energy Consumption

To understand the energy consumption of a dehumidifier, it’s important to first understand how it works. Dehumidifiers draw in humid air using a fan, which then passes over a cooled metal surface. As the air cools, moisture condenses on the surface and is collected in a bucket or tray. This process requires energy, which contributes to the overall energy consumption of the dehumidifier.

Financial Impact of Dehumidifiers on Your Monthly Energy Bills

The financial impact of running a dehumidifier on your monthly energy bills depends on several factors. Firstly, the energy consumption of the dehumidifier itself plays a significant role. The wattage of the device and its efficiency in removing moisture from the air will determine how much energy it consumes. Additionally, the cost of electricity per kilowatt-hour in your area will impact your overall energy bill.

When choosing a dehumidifier, it is essential to consider its energy efficiency. Look for models with an ENERGY STAR rating, as they have been tested and proven to meet strict guidelines for energy efficiency. These dehumidifiers use less electricity to remove the same amount of moisture from the air compared to non-rated models.

To estimate the potential financial impact of a dehumidifier, you can calculate its daily and monthly energy consumption based on its wattage and the average number of hours it runs. Multiply the wattage by the hours of operation and then multiply that by the cost per kilowatt-hour of electricity in your area. This calculation will give you an estimate of the additional cost you can expect on your energy bill.

It is worth noting that running a dehumidifier may lead to higher energy bills, especially in more humid regions or during periods of increased humidity. However, the financial impact can vary depending on the specific circumstances, such as the size of your space, the climate, and the energy efficiency of the dehumidifier.

Does a Dehumidifier Run Up Your Electric Bill?

To determine the cost of running a dehumidifier, you need to consider the wattage of the device, its energy efficiency, and the electricity rate in your area. By multiplying the wattage by the number of hours the dehumidifier runs per day and the electricity rate, you can calculate the daily, monthly, and annual costs of running the device.

Calculating the running costs of a dehumidifier involves a simple equation. Begin by identifying the wattage of the device, which is typically listed on the product label or in the user manual. Next, determine how many hours per day the dehumidifier is running. This can vary depending on factors such as the humidity level or personal preference. Finally, research the electricity rate in your area, which is usually stated on your monthly energy bill.

Once you have these figures, multiply the wattage by the number of hours the dehumidifier runs per day and then multiply that by the electricity rate per kilowatt-hour. The resulting value will give you the daily cost of running the dehumidifier. To calculate the monthly cost, multiply the daily cost by the number of days in a month. For the annual cost, multiply the monthly cost by 12.

By performing these calculations, you can get a clear idea of how much running a dehumidifier will impact your electric bill. Keep in mind that energy consumption and running costs can vary depending on factors such as the size of the room, humidity levels, and the efficiency of the dehumidifier itself.

Practical Tips for Reducing Dehumidifier Running Costs

While running a dehumidifier does consume energy, there are practical tips you can follow to reduce its running costs. By implementing these energy-saving measures, you can minimize the impact on your electricity bill while still enjoying the benefits of a dehumidifier.

1. Invest in an energy-efficient dehumidifier: When shopping for a dehumidifier, look for models with an Energy Star certification. These units are designed to be more energy-efficient, helping you save money on your monthly energy bills.

2. Place the dehumidifier in the optimal location: Position the dehumidifier in a central area of your home where the air is most humid. Avoid placing it near walls or furniture that may block airflow. Additionally, keep the dehumidifier away from heat sources, such as radiators or direct sunlight, as this can reduce its efficiency.

3. Perform regular maintenance: Proper maintenance can improve the efficiency of your dehumidifier and reduce its energy consumption. Clean the air filter regularly to ensure optimal airflow and remove any dust or debris that may hinder its performance. Additionally, empty the water collection bucket or tray as needed to prevent overflow and maintain efficient moisture removal.

4. Consider alternative methods to reduce moisture: In addition to using a dehumidifier, there are alternative ways to reduce moisture in the air. Install vent fans in high-humidity areas such as bathrooms, kitchens, and laundry rooms, as they can help remove excess moisture. Another option is to use calcium chloride, a moisture-absorbing agent that can be placed in small containers and strategically positioned around your home.


In conclusion, using a dehumidifier can have an impact on your electric bill due to its energy consumption. However, there are various measures you can take to minimize the financial impact and make it a cost-effective solution.

One key factor in reducing the energy consumption of a dehumidifier is understanding how it works and calculating its running costs. By considering the wattage of the device, its energy efficiency, and the electricity rate in your area, you can estimate the daily, monthly, and annual costs of running the dehumidifier.

Implementing energy-saving strategies is another effective way to lower the financial burden. Choosing an energy-efficient dehumidifier can significantly reduce energy consumption. Additionally, placing the dehumidifier in an optimal location, performing regular maintenance, and exploring alternative methods to reduce moisture in the air can also contribute to cost savings.

Ultimately, by gaining a thorough understanding of dehumidifier operation, calculating running costs, and adopting energy-saving practices, you can minimize the impact on your electric bill and achieve a cost-effective solution. So, if you live in a hot and humid climate, don’t let the fear of increased energy consumption deter you from enjoying the benefits of a dehumidifier.


How does a dehumidifier work?

Dehumidifiers draw in humid air using a fan, which then passes over a cooled metal surface. As the air cools, moisture condenses on the surface and is collected in a bucket or tray.

Will running a dehumidifier increase my electric bill?

Yes, running a dehumidifier does consume energy, which can impact your electric bill.

What factors affect the energy consumption of a dehumidifier?

The wattage of the device, its efficiency in removing moisture from the air, and the cost of electricity per kilowatt-hour in your area all contribute to the energy consumption of a dehumidifier.

How can I calculate the cost of running a dehumidifier?

To calculate the cost, multiply the wattage of the device by the number of hours it runs per day and the electricity rate in your area.

Are there ways to reduce the running costs of a dehumidifier?

Yes, you can reduce the running costs by investing in an energy-efficient dehumidifier, placing it in an optimal location, performing regular maintenance, and considering alternative methods to reduce moisture in the air.

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