Water damage is the second most frequently filed insurance claim in the United States. Rainy season is coming, so it is important to get our homes ready.
One average, water damage after a storm for any given home totals $5,000. The damage can ruin hardwood floors, cause mold damage, affect your foundation and decrease your home’s property value. The rain brings a potential for water damage to occur in your home. Prevention is far less costly than reconstruction, so here are a few tips to make sure your home is rainy season ready.
Roof Maintenance
The roof is the primary structure that keeps rainwater out of the home. Make sure that you are inspecting your roof annually and taking care of any necessary roof repairs at the end of summer before the rainy season begins. Even the smallest crack can create a leak and a big, expensive problem for your home. Pay attention to the trees surrounding your home and cut off any low hanging branches to avoid them falling on the roof during a bad storm causing roof and water damage.
Check the Gutters and Down Spouts
Inspect and clean gutters and downspouts as often as possible. If either becomes clogged it can cause an overflow and lead to water damage on the roof. In addition, the water can spill over the side of the gutter and collect alongside the house seeping into the foundation or the interior of the home itself. During a rainstorm, if you notice water collecting at the end of a downspout, consider adding an extender or digging a trench to assure that the water is running away from your home and not into the foundation. Downspouts should direct water at least five feet away from the home so that it doesn’t seep into the soil directly underneath the house.
Prevent Foundation Issues
The slope of your yard should cause water to run away from your home. If the slope has the water running downhill toward your home, you may want to consider installing a drain
Be Vigilant
Check inside your home periodically for any leaks or cracks (roof, pipes, foundation, etc.) and clean up any standing water you find as quickly as possible. Pay attention to spikes in water bills – this could mean there is an undiscovered leak in your plumbing system. As it gets colder make sure to insulate pipes and let faucets drip to prevent freezing. Consider updating your insurance to cover water damage and water related events like flash floods, hurricanes, etc. depending on what your area is prone to.
Act fast when a leak or damage is identified – standing water can cause a lot of extra damage and mold. Test your sump pump periodically because a malfunction could lead to flooding during heavy rains and serious water damage. By testing it you will catch issues before the event, possibly avoiding a water disaster. During long periods of rain make sure you visually check the pump to assure it is working correctly.
Reliable Restoration is Always Here.
Disaster will happen even with the best preparation. If water damage occurs to your home, call Reliable Restoration. We provide 24/7/365 disaster restoration services specializing in water damage restoration. Visit us at: www.choosereliable.com or contact us at: (678) 325-1633. Remember at Reliable Restoration, your family is our family.